The adelante network: all field practitioners, all trusted professionals

Karolyn Thunnissen
Karolyn Thunnissen

Karolyn is a macro-economist with in-depth knowledge and extensive experience in the different facets of development cooperation, from design to implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development cooperation programmes. Her special expertise lies in budget support, public finance management and strategic evaluations, mainly in African countries, the Caribbean and the Balkans.

María Sancho
María Sancho

María is an expert in the field of public policy analysis and evaluation. She is highly motivated by change processes with an eye for capacity development support and participatory approaches, including training. Over the years she has gained practical knowledge of policy performance frameworks and results-based approaches including their relevant tools.

Marc Raffinot
Marc Raffinot

Marc is an expert in macroeconomics in developing countries. His focus is on public finances, budget and debt (namely debt sustainability). His experience is also in ex-post evaluation of budget support. He is also teaching and training extensively in developing countries. He was also involved in reasearch about pro-poor growth and strategies of poverty alleviation.

Jerôme Dendura
Jerôme Dendura

Jérôme is an expert who provides support analysing public finance management and reform planning, auditing, training for capacity development, supporting sectoral policy dialogue, coordinating and harmonising aid for social and economic development.

Geraldo Carreiro
Geraldo Carreiro

Geraldo is an expert in sustainable development, with a focus on climate change action. He is also involved in the design of monitoring systems, result-oriented monitoring missions, conceptual and technical support to monitoring units, lessons learned, and complex evaluations.

Mercedes Sanchez Varela
Mercedes Sanchez Varela

Mercedes is an EU lawyer working as adviser on international and EU climate policy. Translating policy challenges into future-proof sustainable strategies, she also leads high level discussions and workshops as speaker and moderator on the challenges of climate change, sustainable finance, carbon taxation, and widely on biodiversity, clean tech, circularity and energy.

Ana B. Santos
Ana B. Santos

Ana B. is an expert in capacity building and EC programmes. She has specialized in Public Policy and Human Rights. Her main focus is on learning process searching for new ways to learn by doing. She has also extensive knowledge using applied research tools (evaluation, ROM, diagnosis) to promote social and institutional change. She has developed technical assistant to public administrations, IO, OSC and human rights institutions.

Willem Cornelissen
Willem Cornelissen

Willem is specialized in policy development, budget planning and programme evaluation. He conducts assignments related to budget support, public finance management, subsidy schemes and public sector reform on behalf of clients such as the European Commission, the German Academy for International Co-operation, the Netherlands’ ministry of Foreign Affairs and others. Since 2006 he facilitates courses on budget support and public finance management to staff of the European Commission.

Marta Nogareda
Marta Nogareda

Marta is an associate professor in the Department of Social Sciences at the Carlos III University in Madrid. She is also an international consultant on Policy Dialogue, Public Policy Analysis, Public Communication, Political Representation and Soft skills. She has worked for different international organisations all around the world, but also for the national, regional and local administration in Spain, where she has been coordinating training sessions for public servants and training and coaching vulnerable groups on Social Abilities.

Norman Flynn
Norman Flynn

Norman was the Director of the Centre for Financial and Management Studies, SOAS, University of London. He was previously been Chair Professor of Public Sector Management at City University of Hong Kong and held academic posts at London School of Economics, London Business School and the University of Birmingham. He has written about public sector management in the United Kingdom, Europe and Asia, public sector reform in developing countries and about the relationship between business government and society in Asia.

Charles Hegbor
Charles Hegbor

Charles is a PFM Consultant with over 16 years' specialized expertise in public procurement; public sector accounting, financial administration and audit, and monitoring & evaluation. His career has spanned both the private and public sectors. He has worked in several developing countries including Belize, Burkina Faso, Eritrea, Ghana, Jamaica, Malawi, Tanzania and Trinidad and Tobago, and Republic of South Africa. 

Johanna Lindgren Garcia
Johanna Lindgren Garcia

Johanna is a development economist. She has worked in government, international organisations, and most recently as an international development consultant covering services in social sector development, especially relating to global health, policy dialogue, financing, analysis of Official Development Assistance (ODA) data and flows, evaluations, advocacy and resource mobilization. Johanna has led the production of numerous public sector strategies and policies, working mainly across Europe, South East Asia and the Caribbean.

Sergio Rodríguez
Sergio Rodríguez

Sergio is a freelance consultant on Institutional Building and Democracy Support. He has designed, implemented and evaluated capacity development programs in contexts as diverse as Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean Region or South East Asia. He also delivers trainings on policy analysis and dialogue based on his first-hand experience in the field.

Ana Moreno Mendieta
Ana Moreno Mendieta

Ana has worked for over 15 years in the environmental sector, notably in the promotion of low carbon climate resilient development in Africa, Caribbean and Latin America. She has specialized in formulation, implementation and monitoring of EU and UN Programmes. She enjoys the production of communication and visual material to facilitate understanding of complex topics to a non-specialized public.

José Manuel Veiga
José Manuel Veiga

José Manuel is an agricultural engineer with experience in International Cooperation in the area of food security developed in organizations such as the European Commission, the United Nations and the NGO Action against Hunger. Since 2006, he has specialized in the analysis of food security situations, in emergency and development contexts.


Pierre Leguene
Pierre Leguene

Pierre is an expert in food security and livelihoods. After working during more than ten years on the field in Africa and Latin America, he became a consultant. Since then, for more than ten years he has carried out rural diagnostics, program design and complex evaluations (program, portfolio and strategic) for UN agencies, governments and NGOs in multiple countries of Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and Asia.

Alfonso Cabrillo
Alfonso Cabrillo

Alfonso is a MSC in Civil Engineering with a solid career in institutional development and policy and strategy analysis in developing countries. After a 10 years' experience at the European Development Fund, he took a career break to contribute to the creation of a think-and-do tank specialized in public policy in Mozambique. 2 years ago, he started-up two companies, Casa Minha Lda. and WAZA Xitique de Ideias e Projetos, mobilizing professionals in the areas of governance, transport, energy, urban planning and housing.

Teresa Cavero
Teresa Cavero

Teresa is an expert in international development policies, with focus on sustainable livelihoods (agriculture, resilience, climate change adaptation and food security), international trade and the impact of fiscal policies in poverty and inequality. Agricultural Engineer by training, with a Masters in International Development from Harvard University, has written numerous research and policy papers for Oxfam and others.

Dieter Kohn
Dieter Kohn

Dieter has extensive experience in the fields of Training needs assessment, Development of training materials, Implementation of entrepreneurship education and training systems (Training of trainers), Business Development Services, SME Development. He is also skilled in Project management, Monitoring & Evaluation and Development of marketing strategies. More recently, he has been involved in Life Skills projects (World Bank) to support school drop outs in West African countries. Furthermore, Dieter Kohn is a professional coach.


Émilie Vidal
Émilie Vidal

Emilie is specialised in international cooperation, women’s rights and culture and works with think tanks, (I)NGOs and IGOs. She has led research-action programmes in the MENA region, West Africa and South America. She has expertise in capacity development of civil society organisations and enjoys evaluating the impact of public policies. She believes in arts as a driver of gender equality and sustainable development.

Pablo Llopis
Pablo Llopis

Pablo is a forest engineer with over 13 years of experience in the use of the land. He has supported governments, philanthropies, multi- and bilateral agencies, civil society organizations and the private sector in the design and implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation projects, programs and policies. He has developed monitoring, reporting and verification systems at multiple levels and provided advise to align greenhouse gas inventories in the context of Nationally Determined Contributions.

Nathalie Gasnier
Nathalie Gasnier

Nathalie is an expert in communication, strategy for Customer Experience Management. She has specialized in Digital Communication. Her principal focus is in the service areas. She also has extensive knowledge of business strategy. She designed and delivered professional workshops for companies and public sector.

Toni Quesada
Toni Quesada

Toni is expert in knowledge transfer through digital communication and graphic and web design. He has a strong experience in the Public Administration area.

Angel Saz-Carranza
Angel Saz-Carranza

Angel is director of ESADEgeo Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics and Lecturer of the Department of Strategy and General Management. He earned a PhD in Public Management from ESADE as a Visiting Scholar at Wagner School of Public Service (New York University) where he spent 3 years. Additionally, he also works with several non-profit and governmental institutions in Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia.

Saskia Van Crugten
Saskia Van Crugten

Saskia conducts evaluations and trainings for governmental and non-governmental stakeholders, at local and national level. As an evaluator, her constructive attitude turns evaluation into forward-looking learning tools. As a facilitator, she is appreciated by audiences as diverse as rural marginalised groups, academics, SMEs, national policy makers and international donor agencies. Saskia acted as a change promoter in more than 60 missions in 33 non-EU countries.

Anwar Al Shami
Anwar Al Shami

Anwar is a data scientist and evaluator. Environmental engineer by training, he has extensive knowledge of the logical framework approach and related tools for project and program identification, design, monitoring and evaluation. In addition, he has expertise in quantitative data manipulation, statistical analysis and inference, machine learning models and regression analysis, geospatial image analysis, geographic information systems and data visualization.

Massimiliano Granceri
Massimiliano Granceri
Massimiliano is an independent consultant with work experience in Urban and Environmental Planning, Climate Change Adaptation, Monitoring and Evaluation, Urban hydrology, and Public policy analysis
Max holds a Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Development (2020) and is officially registered to the Italian Urban Planning National Register (2014). He is a professional with diverse and multicultural experiences as both scholar and practitioner in Brazil, France, Spain, and Italy. 
Talented people

Talented people

Pragmatic and creative collaborators assuming co-responsability

Consultants and academics working with shared vision and values, engaged in performing meaningful work, achieving more together

Contributing in several roles providing time, skills and experience

Contributing in several roles providing time, skills and experience

Controlling the quality of work

Running missions efficiently

Managing to ensure flexibility

Holistic understanding, synergy of expertise

Holistic understanding, synergy of expertise

Diverse perspectives come together to enable a deeper understanding of issues

Sharing resources and background information to make the most of each expertise.

Participatory budgeting process

Participatory budgeting process

Transparent management

Individual roles and responsibilities

Clear financial processes

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